Creating the members of the Coaster tribe of merfolk was done on an individual basis. Although all the members of the tribe have similar beliefs regarding a peaceful, solitary existence, they differ in personality, appearance, and purpose.The idea of merfolk always being born in pairs was the first trait I created which came to fruition. Martel and Maisley, Repose and Reprise, and Diablo and Diabla are a few examples of this.
True Coasters having the attributes of red hair, scales and tail fins was a hallmark, which became an important aspect of the story. As Sofia Sommers tries to wrap her head around what she has been thrown into, she discovers the heritage of the tribe. That being said, readers should be able to single out which characters have the lineage of being true Coasters.
The two young sprite twins, Fauna and Flora, constantly dress the same, but may have personalities which are quite different. Flora appears to be more of a troublemaker, with Fauna being more of an accessory to her sister’s whims. Repose and Reprise are also prime examples of how merfolk twins can differ. Right from their introduction, the personalities of the twins are noticeably opposite.

The metamorphosis from merfolk to human and vice versa was something I scrutinized over and really strived to make feel authentic. Hopefully, I was successful in this. The way in which their feet or tail fins appear couldn’t just happen instantly. There needed to be a few moments for the merfolk’s body to transition. This is a process Sofia initially encounters when she meets Jericho for the first time. Empress Sundrea rising out of the threshold pool while unknowingly being watched by Sofia is a great example of the transformation of merfolk to human.
Each merfolk’s movement on dry land also had to be consistent and come across as authentic to the reader. I spent a lot of time developing how a mermaid or merman would maneuver out of the water. Having a tail fin, I couldn’t have them just walk a few paces until their legs and feet appear. I believe the best result of this is the action of the Dwellers during Sofia’s baseball dream.

Creating the characteristics of the Dwellers was easy once I defined them. The dirty black scales and tail fins from spending their lives in the muck of the sea floor was their first characteristic I put down on paper. The idea that Mercaro prohibits his male followers from morphing into human form came later and lends itself to the Dweller leader needing humans to populate his tribe.
Although the Banditas are mentioned on only a few pages of the novel, I really had fun creating the all-female tribe. Their actions, both in and out of the water, prove that their leader Guerrera may be even more sinister than Mercaro.
Diablos tribe, Piratas del la Paz, are also mentioned briefly. I wanted them to be consistent with the ways, means, and beliefs of the Coasters. Respect, love of family, and independence are inherent in both tribes. These ultimately become ideals which provide Diablo the opportunity to become an integral member of the Coaster tribe.
Please keep an eye out for my next blog post where I will delve into the character of Big Kal, his family, and his surroundings.
Thanks for reading.